Sequoiasoft - Acoompagnement et assistance logiciel hotelier

Associated services 420 team members by your side


Septeo Hospitality accompanies you throughout our partnership, ensuring correct installation and setup of the software, and training your teams to use it.

Through this personalised guidance, Septeo Hospitality makes sure you are quickly up to speed with our solutions. Why? To make the process as simple as possible and to make our solutions accessible and enjoyable to use.


Septeo Hospitality provides you with assistance and training throughout the process of installing and setting up your tools.


The Training Team has practical experience in the hospitality, restaurant and wellness industries. The team is fully qualified to offer you analysis services that will help you get the most out of Septeo Hospitality's software functions.

As an accredited Training Organisation, we train your staff to set up and use the software, either on your site or in our offices in France.


Telephone assistance is also on hand to answer all your questions and make sure your software is up to date. You also have access to an online client area to follow up your requests.


Septeo Hospitalityoffers customisation services to better adapt the tools to your needs. Data or e-TO integration, specific development requests… Septeo Hospitality even builds gateways between your different tools to make management more simple for you.


With Septeo Hospitality, your data is carefully stored in an ultra-secure data centre offering the highest standards in IT hosting.