Pausado utilise le CRS PMS et contrôle d'accès Resalys

Pausado Benjamin Giunti, Director of the Pausado group

All 6 Pausado campsites use Resalys PMS and CRS.

Pausado is a family-run campsite group that uses Resalys to market and run its 6 campsites, which are all equipped with access control systems. 

“We chose Resalys mainly because it’s web-based, and also to automate working processes such as debiting of instalments, for example. Since using the software, we’ve definitely reached a turning point!” affirms Benjamin Giunti, Director of the Pausado group.

Resalys logiciel de gestion et d'exploitation pour campings

A product that accompanies our growth on a daily basis

“Out of all the features of Resalys, the essential ones for us are: the reports and reporting management, the gateways with online tour operators and the yield rules.”

About Pausado

The Pausado group offers stays in their campsites in Provence, in the South of France.